
Daniel & Julie Eden

Dearest family and friends,

We have some news to share with you. In light of the continued risk the pandemic poses to public health and the hardship it’s inflicted on so many—we’ve decided to postpone our wedding indefinitely.

Because the ceremony was meant to take place abroad in Ireland, we applied for and received our marriage license here in the UK earlier this year—which means we’re married! To officially mark the occasion, one weekend in mid-November 2020, we got dressed up and took some wedding photos in our flat. While we’re extremely sad not to have had you all here with us, we’re thrilled to introduce ourselves as a married couple to you for the very first time.

What’s next for us?

We’re focusing on continuing to settle into our new life here in London and have started officially house hunting—can you believe?! We’re also so looking forward to being able to see and spend time with family in Stockport and Abergele as soon as it’s safe again!

We said no gifts...

But if you absolutely insist, we are accepting contributions toward our “new home” savings pot here.

Thank you!

Thank you for your continued love and support. We’re incredibly grateful to have you all in our lives and look forward to many years of celebrations to come.

All the very best,
Daniel & Julie Eden